11 Things You Should Always Discuss With Your Gynaecologist
They say, Never hide from a doctor and lawyer. If you do so you might have to face serious repercussions in future. This is indeed true. Many people hesitate or feel embarrassed in discussing about their health issues with their doctor, not realizing that if they provide hidden or incomplete information then the doctor will not be able to diagnose the problem which will straightaway affect the treatment. Such type of risk should not be taken with health matters. Also if symptoms and conditions are detected early, they can be prevented or treated before they become worse. Many women are self-conscious about their vaginal health, but there’s nothing you can say or show your gynaecologist that they haven’t seen before.
Here are some of the topics you should always bring up with your gynecologist doctor, as it will help them better analyze the treatment option that will benefit you the best. Things that are happening may seem usual to you but please let your gynaecologist decide whether its normal or not.
What should I talk to the gynaecologist near me

About your family history
You should tell your gynecologist about any conditions in your family’s medical history, such as high blood pressure, thyroid issues, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more. This will enable your healthcare professional to develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.
About your menstrual cycle
If you’ve seen any changes in your menstrual cycle, or having pain, irregularity or heavy flow, make sure to tell your gynecologist doctor, including:
- Unusual pacing
- Clotting\Spotting
- Periods that are irregular or uncomfortable
- Cramping or any other changes that you’re worried about
These changes can be normal, but they can also indicate additional issues including pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids. Your gynecologist will assist you in determining if these changes are normal or pathological, as well as providing the necessary treatment.
About your sex life
It’s awkward to discuss your sexual history with your gynecologist, but they need to know about any previous illnesses or sexually transmitted infections you’ve experienced. Your gynecologist can help you figure out why you’re having discomfort during intercourse and address any questions you have about other sexual issues.
If you have discomfort or bleeding during intercourse, you should see your gynecologist since it could be caused by infections, dryness, or other underlying medical issues.
About your contraceptives
If you are currently using birth control pills or another form of contraception, you should tell your gynecologist. Please notify your gynecologist if you are suffering any side effects, symptoms or allergies.
Pregnant or trying to conceive
If you’re pregnant or attempting to conceive, let your gynecologist know. They can help with pregnancy tests, early indicators of infertility and pregnancy, and ovulation kits, among other things. They can also perform genetic carrier screening prior to conception.
Your sexual desires
While having a low libido is typical, it’s important to talk to your gynecologist about it to figure out what’s causing it. Low libido might be caused by certain drugs or stress, or it can be a sign of another underlying medical problem. In such cases, your gynecologist will determine the source of the problem and propose a treatment plan to boost your libido. Also be transparent if you experience any painful sex, sexual discomfort or unable to have orgasm.
Discuss about your vagina
While it’s typical for the vaginal area to have its own characteristic odor, a foul or fishy odor should never be overlooked. As a result, it’s a good idea to talk to your gynecologist about it to make sure it’s not due to a bacterial or yeast infection.
It might be frightening to have an abnormal growth in or near your vaginal area. Make sure it’s not an ingrown hair, a shaved cut, or a zit before jumping to conclusions. While benign growths are most of the time, they can also be indicators of herpes, so you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Many women have problems with their vagina not being properly lubricated during sexual intercourse, which can make their vagina itchy and cause chafing. Vaginal dryness can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including a woman’s age and other underlying causes.
Itching in the vaginal area can be quite irritating; however, it is not always the case, and itching can be a sign of other underlying difficulties such as vaginal irritation, vaginal infections, sexually transmitted illnesses, and so on. It could also be due to vulvar cancer in the worst-case situation. A gynecologist must be consulted in order to receive an accurate diagnosis. Vaginal itching should not be taken lightly by women, as it could indicate a serious problem. It is therefore vital to avoid feeling uncomfortable or bashful while talking with a doctor and to tell them everything without hesitation.
Pain while having sex
There are numerous reasons why a woman may have a painful sexual encounter.
If there is a change in sexual activity, this is a red flag.
- If they are infected with a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD).
– as a result of discomfort and damage in or around the vaginal canal
- as a result of vaginal infections
- as a result of urinary tract infections
- as a result of vaginal dryness after or during menopause
- This ailment causes a woman to endure considerable discomfort during sexual intercourse due to a condition known as Vulvodynia, which causes inflammation and pain in and around the vagina.
Consult Obstetrics and Gynaecology Care Centre in Jamaica
Incontinence of the bladder
Urinary incontinence is more common in post-menopausal women. They are unable to contain leaks due to the decrease of suppleness in their vaginal tissues. This illness can also affect women who have recently given birth, particularly if the infant is large. Urinary incontinence can be well treated with the numerous treatment options available today, therefore it should not be overlooked.
Sore breasts
Sore breasts are most common in women during or just before their periods. However, if it occurs frequently, talk to your gynecologist about it.
Knowing your lifestyle is beneficial to your doctor. This covers details such as your workout routines and whether or not you smoke, drink, or use drugs. Remember, your doctor should be aware of these factors (both positive and negative) so that he or she can give you with the finest health care possible.
Topics can be intimidating but it is imperative that your gynaecologist knows every detail if you have more than one sexual partner, if you’ve had unprotected sex, if you bleed after sex, your supplements or medications if any, if you have any sleep issues, if you have been sexually abused
The majority of women perceive their gynecologists’ appointments to be a chore, and they are relieved when they are finished. Reproductive health should never be taken for granted, and all women, regardless of whether or not they are experiencing problems with their reproductive system, should schedule frequent visits with their gynecologists. Women should also consider getting a pap smear at least once a year in addition to these normal checkups. Regular visits to your gynecologist can help you stay in touch with your reproductive health while also assisting you in finding answers to all of your questions about whether or not the problems you’re experiencing are normal. This will be really beneficial in the long run.
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology (TOG) Centre Jamaica is a woman’s OB Gyn clinic catering to all women reproductive health related issues, including fertility, abortion, ultrasound etc. It provides services related to :
- Pap Smears & Endometrial Sampling
- Colposcopy and LLETZ Procedures
- Preconception Counseling
- Tubal Ligation (‘Tie Off’)
- Reversal of Tubal Ligation
- Major Surgical treatment of Fibroids
- Antenatal Care
- Vaginal Deliveries and Caesarean Sections
- Management of Ovarian Cysts and Other Gynaecological Pathology
- Non-surgical Treatment of Heavy or Painful Menstrual Periods
- Provision of contraception and Emergency Contraception (‘Family Planning/Birth Control’)
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology (TOG) Centre is the Best OB Gyn Clinic in Jamaica providing quality OB GYN healthcare services to women of All Ages.
Book an appointment with Best Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Mandeville Jamaica Today!. https://togcentre.com/
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