Importance of Obstetrician Gynaecologist (OB-GYN ) in Women Health
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist play a critical role in a woman’s health, so it’s critical that she selects one she can trust and work with to meet her unique needs. An Obstetrician focuses on the health of a woman and her baby during pregnancy, birth, and post-natal care, whereas A Gynecologist specializes on the medical care of women and their reproductive systems. A woman may choose to see an OB/Gyn, which is an acronym for obstetrics and gynaecology specialists. What is the importance of OB Gyn Jamaica The menstrual c ycle, breast illness, family planning, infertility, hormones, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and risk factors for gynecologic cancers are among concerns that a gynecologist is trained to detect and treat. Females should consult a gynecologist or OB/Gyn doctor between the ages of 13 and 15, when their reproductive systems begin to mature and they become sexually active. Beginning at the age o...